Monday, November 12, 2012
Blogged Up Married Guy
I thought about how great the sex with MG used to be, but I don’t want to mess things up with D, just because of some sex. Plus what I have with D is so much different. He appreciates and praises me, he makes me feel special and loved and I’m so happy when I’m around him, that I don’t even want to ruin that. Anyways, I hadn’t been with MG since September of 2010, but it wasn’t for a lack of trying.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Cycle of Leaving a Cheater
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What clues do you ignore when you think your man is cheating? |
Friday, November 9, 2012
Married Guy, Year Two
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Kids are Cramping My Style
He loves his kids, and I adore that. But the kids are his first priority, and I was hoping to meet a guy where I would be his number one. Technically, I’m like number four or five, because I think the job even comes before me. With this joint physical custody, he literally has the kids four nights a week. Sometimes more, since the mom will take the kids back when he’s at work, she doesn’t count those hours towards his time.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Dating a Divorced Dad
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
OMG I'm Dating Someone
Lucky for me, Married Guy was so busy sleeping with everyone else, that he hadn't quite made it around to see me. If I had hooked up with married guy, I probably wouldn't have kept my options open for another person.There was something about Married Guy that would satisfy me for the time being. That was until I met DW.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
I am a firm believer that women should shave their underarms, legs and bikini area. But I also believe that men are responsible for a little manscaping themselves. That doesn't mean just shaving their beard, but also taking care of underarm and pubic hair. Yes, I just said that.
Some men make jokes when women don't shave their legs or underarms for a couple weeks in the winter. But do men realize how unattractive a bushy underarm with deodorant balls can be? Every time I see all that hair, I just wonder if the deodorant is actually making it to the skin. Can the deodorant actually work if it is just sitting in the hair?
Secondly, I like when a guy takes care of the hair down there. For me its a matter of hygiene. It makes for a much better experience when going down. Hair holds smells and sweat. Shaving really cuts down on that. And it doesn't need to be completely shaven clean, but neat hair of a bushy mess is always helpful.
Finally, for many guys, shaving down there will actually make it look bigger. This really doesn’t mean much for women, but it gives many men a huge ego boost. I was talking to a good guy friend and we were talking about manscaping. He said he noticed that all the guys in porns were shaving and was wondering if he should do the same. Of course I encouraged it. I’ve been lucky enough that most men I’ve dated did their manscaping. A couple weeks later he called me. He said that first he tried cutting the hair with scissors, but but almost cut himself. He then grabbed his clippers and took care of the rest. You should’ve heard the excitement in his voice. He actually called me to say, “it looks so huge now!”
I know that I truly appreciate manscaping, however what do you do when you are dating someone that doesn’t do it? I’ve been with this guy for over three months now and I’m not quite sure how to bring it up. I’ve never had to before, because all the guys I dated just naturally did it. The odd thing, is that he actually shaves his chest hair, so I know there are clippers around! How do I bring it up gently so that he takes care of his underarms and other area?
Monday, September 24, 2012
Married Guy, Finding Out
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I knew that dating a married man was wrong, but what happens when you think you're in love? |
A few months after we began dating, I quit my job and was looking for another one, but I still hadn't finished college, so my experience was limited to some time I spent as an office assistant then sales person. Married guy was a recruiter, and soon began helping me with my resume and lining up job interviews for me. After a really great interview with an auto supplier, I decided to meet him at his office for lunch.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Married Guy, The Meeting
Stuck in Time
Monday, August 20, 2012
Is Age Just a Number?
Most of the men my age are married, or getting their first divorce and very bitter. I don't know when I was supposed to go out and meet a guy. I spent years working day jobs and going to college at night, so my college was much different than most. There were no guys to meet there. And the ones that I did meet have moved out of state or are married.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
When Least Expected
Friday, May 11, 2012
Work Hour to Happy Hour
I often carry my makeup bag and some cute shoes in my car. I don't wear makeup at work often (there are no guys here to impress, lol). So just throwing on some eyeliner makes me look great. If I'm really trying to make an impression, I may even put in my contacts.
My go to for going out after work is to wear some black pants and find a cute shirt to bring with me to work. But here are some great tips from the professionals on what you can do to go from Work Hour to Happy Hour.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: Alex Rios
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: Adam Levine
Friday, February 10, 2012
Petty Women
I've been hanging out with a lot more people that I went to college with and having some fun times, but these aren't usually black women. A lot of friends are also getting married and having kids and it becomes hard to have a fun friendship with someone that never has time for you any more. But, that's neither hear nor there. This post is about this chick I had the pleasure of not slapping the other day.
Laws of Attraction
As of lately, I really don't know what my type of guy is. I'm not gravitating towards one particular look or type of guy. I've even started dating more white, hispanic and middle eastern guys. I've spent years dating only black men. Luckily black men come in all different shades so you could end up with one as dark and fine as Idris Elba or the other side spectrum like Jesse Williams. But that is a beauty of black men, there are so many different shades and types.
So what if you aren't physically attracted to someone right away? I've said before that someone has grown on me, but that usually meant their personality or some other quirk they have. As I have gotten older I realize that I don't want someone's personality to grow on me. I want someone that I click with right away.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: Idris Elba
Friday, February 3, 2012
Update: Planned Parenthood & Komen Foundation
Through a lot of pressure, it took only a few days for the Susan G. Komen Foundation to back pedal and restore funding to Planned Parenthood. In fact, Planned Parenthood was able to raise more money because of their pulled grants. Over $400,000 was donated on their online website and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg pledged to match donations up to $250,000.
Tweets, Facebook and blogs (mine included) were up in arms about the pulling of funds from Planned Parenthood because they weren’t pro-life. I’m happy that they saw the pressure and everyone that was getting behind Planned Parenthood. I will be making a donation at my next appointment.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Planned Parenthood is Necessary
I was totally upset to hear about Susan G. Komen deciding to pull some of their monetary support from Planned Parenthood. The organization sees thousands of women every year that don’t have any other place to go.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Ban this, but not That?
Check out Nicki’s Video:
I don’t really care for the song, but I didn’t see anything much more explicit than you see in men’s rap videos. I did think I was going to have a seizure with all the flashing, but because of the quick flashes you weren’t really given a chance to see her ass.
This video, all seven minutes of it, features tons of scantily clad women, simulated sex acts and women with no clothes that had to be blurred out.
So after watching these videos, is it sexist that Viacom bans Nicki Minaj, but they fully supported Tip Drill and even produced the Ludacris video “Pussy Poppin”?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Facebook Confirmation
First off, Facebook privacy is very ready to navigate. You can hide certain posts or pictures from friends. You can also change how your wall is viewed. If it’s not a friend, shut the wall down. Also hide your friends posts from outside people if you make public status updates. Its your friends that are most likely to give hints up on YOUR life.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Old College Try
During college, I dated this guy Mike. We only went out a few times, but of course ended up having sex. Me, not being completely over my ex, of course sabotaged what ever relationship we could have had. Of course he remembers the exchange differently than I do. I guess I ended up cussing him out (this happens frequently, so I don’t remember, lol).
We remained friends through everything. And when we graduated, he came to my graduation party where we partied throughout the night. The guy that I was dating was there, but I was having more fun with Mike. He was always cute, and had the deepest dimples when he smiled.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Singing Saturday - Would You Mind
If you ask any guy these questions, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind. Especially when Janet Jackson is asking the question.
This song should definitely be on your playlist of songs to have sex to. Take a look at the lyrics and let me know what you think.